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Drug Store or Pharmacy Business Turns Out Promising, How Do You Start?

Opening a drugstore is a promising business opportunity. Because illness is a common thing, even healthy people also need supplements and vitamins.

To open a drug store or pharmacy, you need a permit, a drug supply source and the price of the drug to determine the right selling price. Besides the shop, standard design room, equipment, employee salaries, licensing costs, daily operational costs needed as capital to start this business.

After this general knowledge and knowledge of business capital have been understood, now all that remains is to run business tips. The first tip is to design the type of drug to be sold or other items. After that, rent or buy a strategic place.
For site selection, you should choose a location that is densely populated and far from other pharmacies. Then after the place is determined, search for and contact a source to get medicine such as a drug factory or drug dealer.

The source of this drug is usually difficult to find when you are just starting a business. The solution is to find partners with old players or partner with a large pharmacy so that drug stocks can continue to be maintained.

After that, recruit workers consisting of pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, and two workers as shop assistants. Shop assistants must master the brands of drugs and their benefits. In addition, recruit shop assistants or pharmacies that are friendly and have sufficient knowledge about drugs and diseases. This will be an added value for your business.

Then the most important thing is taking care of the licensing of establishing a pharmacy. If all of that has been fulfilled, now just determine the promotion strategy. Establishing cooperation with doctors in one location will make your business more known. Because doctors will usually recommend drug buyers at pharmacies that have worked with him.

Not only selling drugs but by opening a pharmacy business you will also find other business opportunities. Among others, selling health support items such as milk, joint doctor services, and laboratory services.

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